Vente Privée is the billion-dollar leader in private fashion flash sales, a huge booming market. Vente Privée is the leader in Europe and is coming to the US to kill Gilt Groupe and Amazon's MyHabit.
This is the art-filled lobby
This is the art-filled lobby
This is a former printing press, and on this floor are all the salespeople
This is a library with art and fashion books to inspire Vente Privée's employees
There's also a shelf for the company's many awards
This is where the sales managers work. These people are in charge of every aspect of a sale after the contract was signed by the salespeople, which explains why they have samples at hand.
More sales managers as well as coders and designers. Note the pink disco ball.
More creatives. They make the art that goes into sales, as well as video trailers and the like.
This is where all the creatives are. Hi, Kate Moss's nipple!
Now it's off to the "Digital Factory" where the magic happens
This is where the goodies come in to be photographed for a sale
All the photo designers and photoshop people
This is where the shoots are planned. On the back are ceramic tiles where the schedule is written and updated (what type of shoot, who, which room, etc)
Some photo studios are empty, waiting to be expanded into.
Taking pictures of babies' clothes. Vente Privée takes 15,000 photos a day, and makes video trailers and its own music. Everything's integrated.
An "ambiance" photoshoot with smoke and music and everything. This room is fully tiled so they can spray the models with water.
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