Lately I've been hooked on Toogl!

It's a web application that allows you to track your time usage hence breaking down your productivity for better self-scrutiny.

You can set your own project names and track how much time you spend on each project, how much time you've wasted, and how to increase your focus in one particular project if need be. They even compile your activities and present it in pie charts, graphs and so on!

As for me, I use it mainly to track how much work I actually do at work...

......which is really not much.

What can I say? I love multi-tasking! :P

I also use it to track my sleep but that will be in another post!

Have fun!

Ps. They also have an iPhone app for offline tracking!

Too bad it only supports iOS 4.1 and above :( I know, I know, time to upgrade my old piece of junk.

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